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History of Christianism >>>
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Jesus selected Peter to be the temporal ruler of the church. Peter traveled to Rome, presumably with his wife, and reigned there as the first Pope. Una Fides, a Roman Catholic apologetics web site, claims that: "History proves that from that time [of the disciple Peter] on, both in the East and the West, the successor of Peter was acknowledged to be the supreme head of the [entire Christian] Church." 

1. Peter, Paul and the other apostles ordained bishops as their successors; those bishops, in turn, ordained their successors. Thus, the church's current bishops can trace their ordination through an unbroken line from the apostles; this is called the "apostolic succession."  

There is the conflicting view of The church of Jesus Christ of later day Saints (LDS; the Mormons). Their founder, Joseph Smith (1805-1844), taught a theology of restorationism: He preached that the true Christian church died out in the early 2nd century CE, and did not survive in any form until he restored it as the LDS Church, early in the 19th century.            

The "Two By Twos" church (a.k.a. Irvinites, The Jesus-Way, No-Name Church, etc) teach that their group was founded by Jesus. They maintained a very low profile since the first century CE. It survived until today as the only true Christian church. They feel that they have been continually persecuted by other Christian groups "which from the earliest times have diluted and perverted the true gospel"....

Many Christian denominations teach that they alone are the true church. They believe that they alone can trace their lineage directly back to the primitive, first century Christian church. They view the ten thousands of other Christian denominations in the world as having split away from their own church at some point in history....

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