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"Hello," "Howdy," and "Top of the morning to you," is just some of the greetings people receive when meeting others.Greetings can be considered as rituals, every culture has their own and they differ quite a lot from each other.In business situations, a handshake is used upon greetings or introductions.We greet each other tom  make him or her happy.family units do not reside in an extended family household (with parents), they do exchange phone calls, letters, and holiday or birthday greetings..If a soldier was lucky enough to make it home he should have been welcomed with warm greetings not a cold reception.

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History of Christianism >>>
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Jesus selected Peter to be the temporal ruler of the church. Peter traveled to Rome, presumably with his wife, and reigned there as the first Pope. Una Fides, a Roman Catholic apologetics web site, claims that: "History proves that from that time [of the disciple Peter] on, both in the East and the West, the successor of Peter was acknowledged to be the supreme head of the [entire Christian] Church." 

1. Peter, Paul and the other apostles ordained bishops as their successors; those bishops, in turn, ordained their successors. Thus, the church's current bishops can trace their ordination through an unbroken line from the apostles; this is called the "apostolic succession."  

There is the conflicting view of The church of Jesus Christ of later day Saints (LDS; the Mormons). Their founder, Joseph Smith (1805-1844), taught a theology of restorationism: He preached that the true Christian church died out in the early 2nd century CE, and did not survive in any form until he restored it as the LDS Church, early in the 19th century.            

The "Two By Twos" church (a.k.a. Irvinites, The Jesus-Way, No-Name Church, etc) teach that their group was founded by Jesus. They maintained a very low profile since the first century CE. It survived until today as the only true Christian church. They feel that they have been continually persecuted by other Christian groups "which from the earliest times have diluted and perverted the true gospel"....

Many Christian denominations teach that they alone are the true church. They believe that they alone can trace their lineage directly back to the primitive, first century Christian church. They view the ten thousands of other Christian denominations in the world as having split away from their own church at some point in history....

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About Hinduism ->
Hinduism is the oldest living religion in the world, and is based on ancient texts known as the Vedas, as well as prehistoric animist religions which existed in the Mohenjo Daro civilization. Indian people commonly refer to Hinduism by the more traditional phrase Eternal Religion (sanatana dharma) and the religion is as wonderfully complex as it is colorful
While Hinduism is said by some scholars to have 330 million gods (roughly one unique god per every three believers), those Hindus that believe in deities - and not all Hindus do - consider themselves monotheists. In essence, they worship a single anthropomorphic personal chosen deity, known as an ishtadevata. Others may choose to worship a couple, such as Vishnu and Lakshmi, a trio (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva), or a quintet, such as Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesha, Surya and Devi. It is common to hear religious scholars, gurus and laypeople alike say that God has many names and forms. One might also hear the phrase One truth, many paths.


Guru Gobind Singh Ji

ABOUT: Guru Gobind Singh Ji >>>

Tenth of the Sikh Gurus, Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708 C.E.) was brave & beloved sikh guru..
                                      Guru ji lived during an extremely dangerous time..
His father, Guru Teg Bahadur, had sacrificed his own head to protect freedom of religion for Hindus, who were being threatened with conversion or death by zealous Muslim rulers.
Abduction of women and pillage of goods were rampant, but the people were too timid and terrorized to resist. In the midst of this political situation, Guru Gobind Singh gained great stature as both saint and soldier: a leader of firm spiritual principles and intense devotion to God, and at the same time, fearless dedication to protecting all people from oppression and injustice. 

In 1699, Guru ji initiated five men from the lower castes as his Five Beloveds, blessing them with great courage as well as nearness to God.  
They became models for the Khalsa, the order of the pure which Guru Gobind Singh created to stand on the front line against injustice. The Khalsa were held to a very strict moral and spiritual discipline and under Guru Gobind Singh's courageous inspiration, helped to turn the tide against Mughal oppression in India. In addition to his spiritual and military leadership, Guru Gobind Singh was a gifted intellectual, and had many poets in his court. Guru ji was inspired to write many powerful spiritual compositions, including Jaap Sahib, but did not include them in the Sikh scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib ji. His writings have instead been collected in a separate volume, called the Dasam Granth. 
Upon his passing away, he instructed his Sikhs to regard the Guru Granth Sahib as their teacher. Guru Gobind Singh is greatly revered at Gobind Sadan, for he is one of the two figures who began appearing in vision to Baba Virsa Singh when he was a boy and who continues to guide and bless his work. Use Gobind Sadan search engine to find what Baba Virsa Singh says about these: Guru Gobind Singh, Guru Teg Bahadur, Five Beloveds, Khalsa, Jaap Sahib, Guru Granth Sahib ji, Dasam Granth..
His determination was as strong as that of a mountain, irrespective of the sufferings and personal losses. While accomplishing his mission, he sacrificed his four young sons, five beloved followers, unlimited Sikhs and many devoted Muslims. His mission was not at all different from the predecessors and was same but it was very strong, systematic and final.

this is all about guru Gobind Singh Ji
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